

E: Conceive Optimistically, Plan Pessimistically, and Execute Optimistically

These days I am listening to the audiobook "Ikikata" by Kazuo Inamori during housework.

In that book, I encounterd the word : 

楽観的に構想し、悲観的に計画し、楽観的に実行する | 稲盛和夫 OFFICIAL SITE

Conceive Optimistically, Plan Pessimistically, and Execute Optimistically | Kazuo Inamori


Actually, I don't know why but I didn't have positive impression on him...

I red this book in the past, but in that time that I was not moved by that contents.

However, this time, the above word touched my heart.


Recently I set goals which are not easy to accomplish (e.g. "get TOEIC 900 score within this year"), but I believe, unless I set goals I cannot do anything!

(The same thought is said by many books I red before.)