



先日コーチングを受けて、自分の夢みたいなのと向き合ってみると、私ってわりと幸せだなぁと思った。 気づいたら、学生時代と打って変わってポジティブにもなってきた気がする。 何が要因かなあと思ったのだが、ざっと思いつくのは ①勝間さん動画&勝間塾w…

E: Conceive Optimistically, Plan Pessimistically, and Execute Optimistically

These days I am listening to the audiobook "Ikikata" by Kazuo Inamori during housework. In that book, I encounterd the word : 楽観的に構想し、悲観的に計画し、楽観的に実行する | 稲盛和夫 OFFICIAL SITE Conceive Optimistically, Plan Pessimist…

E: review of online lesson

I took my first English online lesson at native camp and talked with teacher from Sri-lanka. Let me review my lesson for memorizing pharases. - I rode on a foating boat at Sri-Lanka. - I have already given birth to 2 children. - I am on ma…

E: A big purchase!

I applied for the lesson to get the certification of carrier consultant. 国家資格キャリアコンサルタント養成講座 | リカレントキャリアデザインスクール It costs ¥500,000, but 50% of that will be refund by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfar…

E: Difficulty of working mother's new challenge

I am preparing for taking lesson of "carrier consultant" for my carrier change. Though I have just started comparing the schools, I am already facing the diffucluty; The lesson can be taken online but should be in the real time i.e. taking…

E: book review ”DIE WITH ZERO"

Let me review the book I red recently and were inspired a lot! "DIE WITH ZERO" www.amazon.co.jp Summary of this book : - Do what you want as soon as possible! The best timing of self-investiment is between 25 and 35. - Life becomes better …

My goal at 31 years old

As a first step for carrier change, I will - score 950 on the toeic test - get certification of carrier consultant - learn coaching

E: fullfilling day!

Though I could not make time for studying today, it was a fullfilling day, as 1) wake up at 5 am and did Yoga without any intteruption (my son was still sleeping!) 2) studied TOEIC textbook (only 15 minutes until my son gets up...) 3) went…

E: my time schedule of a day

These days* my son gets up earlier than before. Even he seems sleeping well, when I got up and go out of the bedroom, he soon wakes up and looks for me... One of my routine is doing Yoga without any intteruption(disatraction/undisturbedly)…

E : Memorize SDGs in English!

Article: https://foreignlang.ecc.co.jp/know/k00118d/ I am not familiar with SDGs, rather I am intentionally avoiding to know it, as it sounds fishy(胡散臭い) for me (though I cannnot correctly explain why )... However, for my learning, I w…

方針転換 いったん助産師目指すのやめます

ご無沙汰している間に色々あり(主に、出産しました。笑)、タイトルの通り、キャリアチェンジの方針転換。 臨月からいままで、モヤモヤと闘ってきましたが、ここ数週間でなんとなく霧が晴れつつあり、あとは行動あるのみ!という感じかな。。 この1か月、積…