

E: book review ”DIE WITH ZERO"

Let me review the book I red recently and were inspired a lot!




Summary of this book : 

 - Do what you want as soon as possible! 

   The best timing of self-investiment is between 25 and 35.

 - Life becomes better by experience, not how much money you have gained.

   The earlier you have good experience, it makes your life better by recalling that experience or making other action triggered by it.


I knew this book at Online-salon(Katsuma juku).

A woman who hosted an event introduced this book as her bible and she said that her action is following this book's statement.

She was really attractive to me, she seemed so lievely!

(She runs a lof businesses by herself though she is still 32 years old.)


I decided to invest myself more than before... though I still struggle , in WHAT kinds of my interest I should invest...